Sunday, June 28, 2009

Top Tip

I'm forever doing things that really don't serve me. For example I check my email far too much.

Look really carefully at all your daily actions, and ask yourself

"Is this taking me towards my goals or moving me away"

If it isn't taking you forward towards your goal it's taking you away. So don't do it !

Try it this week! I promise it works

Sales Sales Sales

I need to improve my selling skills! My sales team aren't hitting their targets and we're missing opportunities!

Sound familiar?..Well your not alone. These are some of the more common statements I hear from business owners almost daily.

Isn't it strange that although we complain we do so little about it. After all we all know that great sales people have;

A proven strategy that they use over and over, which comes from;

  1. They practice,
  2. They formulate scripts and processes
  3. They measure results
  4. They refine the process
  5. They work hard until they get it right

Once they have that proven strategy it's simply about numbers. How many calls do I need to make to arrange one meeting. How many meetings do I need to have to close one sale and finally how many sales do i need to earn my bonus!!!!

So Friend, over the coming weeks I'm going to talk you through the different aspects and options for your sales strategy and the sales skills you and your team need to get that sale.

Sound good? Great so..

Step 1 Who are my Customers?

When most people start their own businesses they are so focused on just surviving, that they lose track of their target market. This doesn't become a problem until the business wants to really grow, as only then, and through the use of a sales team and sales strategy does knowing your target market with absolute clarity become essential.

Ask yourself.

  • Who do we sell to?
  • Where have we sold before?
  • What do my customers look like?
  • How old are my customers?
  • Where do they work, hangout? What groups do they belong to?
  • How do they buy?
  • What else do they buy?
  • Are they certain job title?
  • Are they from a certain place ,location, community?

Questions like these help you build a very detaiiled visual picture of your customer. Once you know who your customer is, you can find out where they live, work and play. Knowing this gives you power and gives you a plan.

Once you find your customers, you've achieved step 1- you're half way to the sale. Next you have to communicate with them!!

So between now and my next newsletter get into action around really getting to know your customers. Who they are and where they are!

Have a great day getting into action

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Law of Psychological Reciprocity

Psychological Reciprocity....sounds great! But what on earth does it mean? In a nutshell, anytime you do anyone a courtesy, they are unconsciously psychologically bound to return the courtesy. If I remark that you look nice today, one way or another you will unconsciously find a way to repay the compliment. You’ll often notice people responding to compliments about their appearance by saying things like, “Thank you, so do you.” Psychological Reciprocity at work!

It works in the negative as well. If you say something that someone finds offensive, they’ll unconsciously be compelled to even up the score and they can do that in several ways. They could pay it back in kind, by saying something offensive or insulting back to you or they could tell their friends or colleagues about how awful you are or they could just withhold their business from you. It’s probably best to avoid this minefield altogether by being a bit more sensitive.

Psychological Reciprocity......even though it has a high tech name, it’s not a new idea. The Chinese have believed in Yin and Yang for centuries. Other civilisations have concepts like karma that also bear similarities. Western civilisations may not have particular names for it (apart from the Law of Psychological Reciprocity!) but they’re accustomed to the principle, otherwise no-one would ever say “What goes around, comes around.”

Next time you’re out prospecting, remember the simple logic of the Law of Psychological Reciprocity;

  1. Pay people genuine compliments. You can always find something genuinely nice to say about anybody if you look hard enough.
  2. Speak warmly towards people and they will reward you with their warmth. Some may take a little longer than others to warm up, but they always get there in the end.
  3. Offer them your undivided time and attention and you’ll obtain theirs.

Go out of your way to do them a favour or service. They will be psychologically bound to repay the favour or service in a positive manner. Even if they don’t buy from you, give them every opportunity to fulfil their end of the reciprocal “contract”....ask them for a referral.

Have a great day getting into action

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tonight I'm heading off to the Business Chicks Musical Chairs event, which is apparently fantastic for networking especially when you're the only bloke in a room full of women!!

Business Chicks or not, there are some main points as always to check in on for networking:

  1. Be genuine - I'm not sure about you, but I always get better results when I really focus on who I'm meeting and talking to. If I'm genuinely interested in finding out how I can help this person in front of me, I have a great experience and they remember me when it comes to referring a business coach down the track.
  2. Be Clear on your outcomes - If I go to an event with the goal to meet people that's great, but other events are more about learning. It always helps me if I think about what type of event I'm attending. Tonight for example is purely about networking for business so I get in that frame of mind and remember I've got less than 60 seconds to really make an impression.
  3. Ask open-ended questions in networking conversations. In fact ask loads and loads of questions. People love talking about themselves and if they've spent twenty minutes with someone and they did all the talking you can bet they will be saying what a great person that interesting!!
  4. Become known as a powerful resource for others. Always think first how can I benefit this person, secondly who do I know that I could introduce this person to so they could mutually get some benefit. Its all about being selfless!!
  5. Have a clear understanding of what you do and why, for whom, and what makes your doing it special. - Have a 20 second infommercial practised and ready to go. It really helps with your confidence - try it out in the bathroom mirror!
  6. Articulate what you are looking for and how others can help you. Too often we actually don't tell or ask people what we're looking for in a business referral. Its amazing how many people will help, if you simply ask.
  7. Follow through quickly and efficiently on the referrals you are given. Its all about customer service isn't it. If someone has referred you, take action and remember the way you act is a reflection of the person who referred you. Treat each referral with the respect it deserves.
  8. Look for friends not business partners. People will see through you if you're not genuine and merely looking for business. Call people afterwards and express that you enjoyed meeting them, and ask if you could get together for a coffee. Don't make it all about business.
I hope you liked my tips. These are just my thoughts so I'll head off now to Business Chicks and a room full of ladies. Wish me luck.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Its Not Rocket Science

Reading through numerous blogs and business articles it suddenly occurred to me...Why do we all make things so difficult? Surely its simple really...
  • Show up on Time
  • Do what you Say
  • Finish what you Start
  • Say Please and Thankyou

Overwhelmed - Its all too Much

I thought I'd throw this one in straight away as I'm feeling just a little overwhelmed myself

Too Much to Do, Too Little Time

The most common form of stress that managers experience is the feeling of being overwhelmed with far too much to do and having too little time to do it in. In fact, "time poverty" is the biggest single problem facing most managers in America today. We simply do not have enough time to fulfill all our responsibilities. Because of budget limitations, staff cutbacks, downsizing, and competitive pressures, individual managers are forced to take on more and more work, all of which appears to be indispensable to the smooth functioning of our company or department.

Become An Expert
The solution to this problem of work overload is for you to become an expert on time management. There is probably no other skill that you can learn that will give you a "bigger bang for the buck" than to become extremely knowledgeable and experienced in using time management practices.

Be Open to New Ideas
The most foolish manager of all is either the manager who feels that he has no time to learn about time management or, even worse, the manager who, while being overwhelmed with work, feels that he already knows all that he needs to know about the subject.

Never Stop Learning
The fact is that you can study time management and take time management courses for your entire business life and you will still never learn everything you need to know to get the most out of yourself while doing your job in the most efficient way.

The Keys to Time Management
The two indispensable keys to time management are: 1) the ability to set priorities; and 2) the ability to concentrate single-mindedly on one thing at a time.

Since there is never enough time to do everything that needs to be done, you must be continually setting priorities on your activities. Perhaps the very best question that you can memorize and repeat, over and over, is, "what is the most valuable use of my time right now?"

The Best Question of All
This question, "what is the most valuable use of my time right now?" will do more to keep you on track, hour by hour, than any other single question in the list of time management strategies.

Start With Your Top Tasks
The natural tendency for all of us is to major in minors and to give in to the temptation to clear up small things first. After all, small things are easier and they are often more fun than the big, important things that represent the most valuable use of your time.

However, the self-discipline of organizing your work and focusing on your highest value tasks is the starting point of getting your time under control and lowering your stress levels.

Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do immediately to get your time under control;

1. Make a decision today to become an expert on time management. Read the books, listen to the audio programs, and take a time management course. Then, practice, practice, practice every day until you master time management skills.

2. Set clear priorities on your work each day, before you begin. Then, discipline yourself to start on your most important task and stay at that until it is complete. This will relieve much of your stress immediately.

Have a great day getting into Action
Welcome to my very first blog. I'm really excited about getting this started as I know how much great information I have to share with you all. Please excuse any initial mistakes with the site whilst I learn as fast as I can... So people, enjoy, please send me feedback and lets get started.