Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tonight I'm heading off to the Business Chicks Musical Chairs event, which is apparently fantastic for networking especially when you're the only bloke in a room full of women!!

Business Chicks or not, there are some main points as always to check in on for networking:

  1. Be genuine - I'm not sure about you, but I always get better results when I really focus on who I'm meeting and talking to. If I'm genuinely interested in finding out how I can help this person in front of me, I have a great experience and they remember me when it comes to referring a business coach down the track.
  2. Be Clear on your outcomes - If I go to an event with the goal to meet people that's great, but other events are more about learning. It always helps me if I think about what type of event I'm attending. Tonight for example is purely about networking for business so I get in that frame of mind and remember I've got less than 60 seconds to really make an impression.
  3. Ask open-ended questions in networking conversations. In fact ask loads and loads of questions. People love talking about themselves and if they've spent twenty minutes with someone and they did all the talking you can bet they will be saying what a great person that interesting!!
  4. Become known as a powerful resource for others. Always think first how can I benefit this person, secondly who do I know that I could introduce this person to so they could mutually get some benefit. Its all about being selfless!!
  5. Have a clear understanding of what you do and why, for whom, and what makes your doing it special. - Have a 20 second infommercial practised and ready to go. It really helps with your confidence - try it out in the bathroom mirror!
  6. Articulate what you are looking for and how others can help you. Too often we actually don't tell or ask people what we're looking for in a business referral. Its amazing how many people will help, if you simply ask.
  7. Follow through quickly and efficiently on the referrals you are given. Its all about customer service isn't it. If someone has referred you, take action and remember the way you act is a reflection of the person who referred you. Treat each referral with the respect it deserves.
  8. Look for friends not business partners. People will see through you if you're not genuine and merely looking for business. Call people afterwards and express that you enjoyed meeting them, and ask if you could get together for a coffee. Don't make it all about business.
I hope you liked my tips. These are just my thoughts so I'll head off now to Business Chicks and a room full of ladies. Wish me luck.

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