Sound familiar?..Well your not alone. These are some of the more common statements I hear from business owners almost daily.
Isn't it strange that although we complain we do so little about it. After all we all know that great sales people have;
A proven strategy that they use over and over, which comes from;
- They practice,
- They formulate scripts and processes
- They measure results
- They refine the process
- They work hard until they get it right
Once they have that proven strategy it's simply about numbers. How many calls do I need to make to arrange one meeting. How many meetings do I need to have to close one sale and finally how many sales do i need to earn my bonus!!!!
So Friend, over the coming weeks I'm going to talk you through the different aspects and options for your sales strategy and the sales skills you and your team need to get that sale.
Sound good? Great so..
Step 1 Who are my Customers?
When most people start their own businesses they are so focused on just surviving, that they lose track of their target market. This doesn't become a problem until the business wants to really grow, as only then, and through the use of a sales team and sales strategy does knowing your target market with absolute clarity become essential.
Ask yourself.
- Who do we sell to?
- Where have we sold before?
- What do my customers look like?
- How old are my customers?
- Where do they work, hangout? What groups do they belong to?
- How do they buy?
- What else do they buy?
- Are they certain job title?
- Are they from a certain place ,location, community?
Questions like these help you build a very detaiiled visual picture of your customer. Once you know who your customer is, you can find out where they live, work and play. Knowing this gives you power and gives you a plan.
Once you find your customers, you've achieved step 1- you're half way to the sale. Next you have to communicate with them!!
So between now and my next newsletter get into action around really getting to know your customers. Who they are and where they are!
Have a great day getting into action
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